My creative practice is rooted, emotionally and spiritually, in environmentalism. I exist in a profoundly relational way in the world, and this social orientation drives my process. In recent years, I have found myself heartbroken, confused, and grief-stricken. Through loss comes profound transformation and a choice through which lens to view events. I explore my inner states as I walk in the natural world. Using my camera and intuitive bodily movements, I embrace the creative powers of the unconscious. Bringing the work into the studio, I explore further and add layers. I use natural materials, mark-making, printmaking, and hand stitching to add layers of complexity. I consider the significance of under and over-marking. I am inspired by artists whose work appeals to the collective unconscious – the desire to express inner states, mysteries, and transcendental experiences.  I, too, desire to create work that awakens wonder and connection to the natural and spiritual realm, in myself, and for others.
